Carmen (Toréador)

Your toast I can return to you,
Señors, for among soldiers,
Yes, we toreros can be understood:
For pleasure we both make combat.
The arena is full, it’s a day of celebration!
The arena is full from top to bottom;
The spectators lose their heads,
The spectators shout to one another
With a great roar!
Exclamations, cries, and furor
Built up to a frenzy!
For it is the celebration of courage!
It is the celebration of people of heart!
Come on! On guard! Come on! Ah!

Toreador, on guard! Toreador! Toreador!
And dream well, yes, dream while fighting
That a dark eye is watching you
And love awaits you, Toreador,
Love awaits you!

All of a sudden, it gets quiet,
Ah! What is happening?
No more cries, this is the moment!
The bull lunges,
Bounding out of the bullpen!
He lunges, he enters, he strikes!
A horse rolls, carrying a picador!
“Ah, bravo, Toro!” shouts the crowd!
The bull goes, he comes, he comes
And strikes again!
Shaking off his banderillas,
Full of fury, he runs!
The arena is full of blood!
Someone saves himself, he clears the gates!
It’s your turn now!
Come on! On guard! Come on! Ah!

Toreador, on guard! Toreador! Toreador!
And dream well, yes, dream while fighting
That a dark eye is watching you
And love awaits you, Toreador,
Love awaits you!